Ysgol Gynradd
Cwrt Rawlin
Primary School
Address: Cae Meillion, Caerphilly, CF83 1SN
Email: CwrtRawlinPrimary@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
Telephone: 02920 807070
Headteacher: Miss C Evans BAHons NPQH
Parents: School Clubs
Extra-Curricular Activities
The school is committed to providing a range of extra curricular activities which we call enrichment activities. We recognise that education does not just occur in the classroom and hope that the programme on offer extends, enhances and enriches the school's education provision and therefore our pupils' experiences.
These clubs are run by staff and outside providers, on occasion, some of these clubs will be chargeable. A full list of clubs is available at the start of the autumn and summer term, but include:
gymnastics/street dance, cookery, Welsh dancing, recorder, art, dance and drama, rugby, football, environmental club, computer club, netball, games and choir.
Sporting Aims
Cwrt Rawlin is a very active school and sport plays a significant part in school life. Physical Education (PE) is part of the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience and is taught to all pupils twice a week.
Sporting opportunities are given to older pupils who can represent the school in many team sports. Boys and girls can participate in skills sessions for football, rugby and netball. The netball and football teams enter the County leagues. The football and rugby teams play interschool matches. There is a tradition of great enjoyment and success in these events.
The Year 4 pupils attend a three-week swimming course during the year which develops their confidence and competence in swimming.
The school has good facilities including attractive grounds, a sports hall used for winter and summer sports and two playgrounds marked with playground games.