Ysgol Gynradd
Cwrt Rawlin
Primary School
Address: Cae Meillion, Caerphilly, CF83 1SN
Email: CwrtRawlinPrimary@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
Telephone: 02920 807070
Headteacher: Miss C Evans BAHons NPQH
Our School: Our Vision
School Motto
'Dream, Believe, Achieve'
We aim to:
create a supportive and inclusive ethos conducive to us all working and learning together,
encourage children to be actively involved in purposeful, real life activities to enable them to acquire the knowledge and relevant skills to be successful and confident members of society,
to engage our children through a relevant, exciting and innovative curriculum , which is based upon the four purposes,
empower each child to reach their full potential and encourage them to become independent, curious and resilient learners,
set high standards of behaviour and encourage a good balance between work and play,
develop and awareness and respect for religious, non-religious and moral value and understanding of other races, religion and cultures,
encourage a sense of responsibility in caring for the school environment, the wider community and develop their global citizenship role,
and nurture a happy, respectful and safe school community, where each child is valued.
Cluster Vision
We ARE St Martin’s Cluster and we have the highest ASPIRATIONS for each other. From strong and binding RELATIONSHIPS we strive for EQUITY, with one purpose: to shape the world together.
We ARE St Martin’s Cluster